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音标: 英 [ri:kə'mɪtmənt] 美 [ri:kə'mɪtmənt]

[法] 再委托, 重提, 再犯

n. Alt. of Recommittal


1. We'rewe're recommitting our hearts to each other.

我们要 对彼此重申自己的内心

2. That we could recommit to the study and protection of our kind.


3. If we make it through a week, recommitment time.

如果我们在一起超过一个星期 就举办重誓典礼

4. I was glad he recommitted to his marriage, but it was painful.

他能回到自己妻子身边我很欣慰 但过程很艰难

5. We recommitted to each other, so like, some part of you had to wanna blow that up.

我们重新专注于爱彼此 所以 你总归是有一部分想破坏掉的想法

6. recommitment ceremony. It serves one of two purposes.

重誓典礼 它的目的只能是两个之一

7. And so now I am recommitting to my dream of going to law school.


8. And please, accept this as a gesture of recommitment to our trade agreements.

请将这视作为恢复我们贸易协定 而表达出的诚意吧

9. You're cranky about the recommitment ceremony because it has the word "commit" in it, and you're afraid of that word.

你为我们的重誓典礼抓狂 只是因为里面有"承诺"这个词 而你害怕那个词

10. Tonight, over 300 years since the founding of this great city, we recommit ourselves to the ancient truth that it is not knowledge, but action and enterprise which are the engine and objective in life.

今晚 这座伟大的城市已成立了三百多年 我们重新认识到这个古老的真理 驱动人生 指引人生的 不是知识 而是行动和进取之心



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

