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音标: 英 [ˈdɜ:mɪs] 美 [ˈdɚmɪs]

n. 真皮, 皮肤
[医] 真皮

n. the deep vascular inner layer of the skin


1. A lack of exposure preserved some of the dermis.

没有怎么暴露 保留了一部分表皮

2. The dermy did call it a cancer, but it's not, like, cancer.

皮肤科医生确实叫它癌症 但不是恶性的那种

3. The ink is actually on the dermis, which is the lower layer.

墨水其实存在于真皮层中 真皮就是里面的一层

4. And judging from the dermis, I'd say over 10 years old.

而且从真皮层的情况看 超过10年了

5. A gloved hand would have an entirely different effect on the dermis.

戴了拳击手套的话 对下皮层造成的伤害是完全不同的

6. We're lucky. It hasn't rooted into the dermis yet, but I'm afraid that won't last.

我们还算走运 没钻进真皮层去 但恐怕用不了多久了

7. Epidermis and dermis quite decomposed, so we're not gonna get any prints.

外表皮和真皮层腐烂程度较高 所以我们没法采集指纹

8. The cuts were surprisingly precise, slicing the dermis but not the subcutaneous tissue.

这些伤口的精确程度惊人 切开真皮层 但没伤皮下组织

9. Now I'm cutting through the epidermis, the dermis, down onto the hypodermis, which is the subcutaneous fat.

现在我正切开表皮 切开真皮 直到下皮层 是皮下脂肪层

10. Indeed, "tissue" may not be the correct term for such a peculiar type of dermis at all.

其实 "组织"可能已经不是用来 描述这种特殊类型的真皮的正确术语了



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