中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈlaɪsnst] 美 [ˈlaɪsn:st]

a. 得到许可的
[经] 领有执照的, 领到许可证的

v authorize officially
s given official approval to act


1. Not driver's licenses, wedding licenses, or whatnot.

驾照 结婚证或其他的 一律不在这里

2. Somebody loses a license, someone gets a license.

有人吊销驾照 有人考到驾照

3. Montez threatened to pull our license, which would include your license.

蒙特兹威胁要吊销我们的执照 那也会包括你的执照

4. Well, I don't have a license to kill, but I do have a license to officiate funerals.

我是没有杀人的许可证啦 但我倒是有主持葬礼的执照

5. Deed, business license, liquor license, bill of sale.

地契 营业执照 酒牌 抵押证券

6. License or no license, these hands still got well, what it takes, once I preped.

不管有没有执照 这双手仍然宝刀未老 只要我做好准备

7. Now, I'm not a licensed sex surrogate, but I'm not a licensed physical therapist, either.

我不是有执照的性代理人 但我也不是有执照的理疗师

8. Deed, business license, liquor license, bill of sale, all with our signatures on it.

地契 营业执照 酒牌 抵押证券 全有我们的签名

9. I got a real estate broker's license and builder's license and developed quite a number of projects.

我有房地产经纪人执照和建造商执照 开发了不少项目

10. I have a license for those chemicals.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

