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音标: 英 [plʌʃ] 美 [plʌʃ]

n. 长毛绒, 长毛绒裤
a. 长毛绒制的, 豪华的

n. a fabric with a nap that is longer and softer than velvet


1. It's not a doll. It's a plush action figure.

不是娃娃 那是個毛絨動作玩偶

2. Holy moly, I thought our room was plush.

天啊 我以为我们的房间已经够豪华了

3. I'll be in my plush master suite if anyone needs me.

如果有人找我 我去我豪华的主卧了

4. I did get upgraded to premium economy once, which was pretty plush.

我曾经坐过高级经济舱 非常豪华

5. Lots of light and brandnew textured plush carpeting.

光照充足 富有手感的全新长绒地毯

6. But when the weekend arrived, there was no music, no plush hotels, no gourmet food.

但实际上那个周末什么也没有发生 没有音乐 也没有奢华的酒店和美食

7. And then when my face was pressed into the plush carpet of first class, I had this aha moment.

但是當我的臉壓在 頭等艙里的長毛絨地毯上的時候 我突然醒悟

8. A wellappointed no man's land with a plush carpet and high ceiling between two bedrooms.

这是一片布置精致的无人之地 丝绒地毯和高悬的天花板隔开了两间卧房

9. Well, it turns out that it's a synthetic fur, used to make anything from carpets to, uh, plush toys.

结果我发现那是人造毛 从地毯到毛绒玩具都可能用到它

10. They got, like, butcher shop and then they got a club and then yo, they got this nice plush grand new seats..

他们有一个 像 肉店 他们还有个俱乐部 然后看 他们弄的很棒 崭新的座椅



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