中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌɪnkɒɡ'ni:təʊ] 美 [ˌɪnkɑ:ɡ'ni:toʊ]

adv. 微行地, 隐姓埋名地
n. 微行者, 匿名者
a. 微行的, 改名的, 匿名的

s. with your identity concealed
r. without revealing one's identity


1. And since you wanted to do this incognito, didn't push it.

但你又要让我暗中调查 所以就没这么干

2. I have enemies everywhere, and have to travel incognito.

到處都是我的敵人 必須易裝前行

3. You'll come as my date, but dress incognito.

你来当我的女伴 但是要隐藏身份

4. on the lowkey, incognito tip, okay? I know.

保持低调 伪装起来 我知道

5. You will join his ship incognito, posing as the surgeon.

你要匿名上这艘船 乔装成船医

6. Came up with it on the spur of the moment in order to monitor you incognito.

灵机一动就想了出来 为了在暗中观察你

7. When looking to travel incognito, it's safest to travel as a widow.

乔装出行最安全的法子 就是伪装成寡妇

8. God, I feel all incognito, like a drug dealer or something.

老天 我感觉像在做坏事 跟毒贩一样

9. Ooh, looks like someone else went incognito.

看起来好像有人 用了假名

10. Well, today is a good day to be with one of them, because I have to go incognito for the story I'm doing, so when we go into town, we get to be in disguises.

今天就是一个和妈妈在一起的好机会 因为我要为了我在跟的一个故事隐瞒身份 这样我们进城后 就可以扮成别人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

