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音标: 英 [.ænθrәpә'mɒ:fizәm]

n. 拟人论
[医] 拟人论

n. the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits


1. We must not be lured by the temptation to anthropomorphize.


2. Egyptians tended to anthropomorphize with their hieroglyphics.

古埃及人喜欢用他们的象形文字 进行人格化

3. It is premature to assign any anthropomorphic distinction or intent.

还不能确认 它有任何类人特征或意图

4. Seeing it as malevolent is a weird sort of chromatic anthropomorphizing.

把颜色看作 是一种怪异的色彩拟人化

5. Oh, don't anthropomorphize him; he's got big eyes, but his feelings are not like ours.

别把他当人看 他有双无辜大眼 但他的情感和我们人类不同

6. The penchant for biological lifeforms to anthropomorphize inanimate objects is irrational.

有生命物种偏好于 将无生命物人性化 非常荒谬

7. I am simply an anthropomorphized vessel of knowledge built to make your life easier.

我只是为了方便你们的生活 而造出的人格化智能机器

8. She anthropomorphized the word "mood" to make it seem like you hurt it and it's now hemorrhaging.

她把「气氛」拟人化 就好像你伤了它 现在它大出血了

9. That's, um, I think what you're experiencing is anthropomorphi , attributing human properties to inanimate objects, which is different from animi , which is a religious belief, as I'm sure you know. I wouldn't worry.

我觉得 你现在的经历是一种拟人论 给非生命体赋予人类属性 这和泛灵论不同 泛灵论是一种宗教信仰 我相信你肯定知道 这个没什么好担心的



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