中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['deərɪŋlɪ] 美 ['deərɪŋlɪ]

adv. 毅然地;大胆地

r. in an original manner
r. in an adventurous manner


1. And if it's a dare, you have to do the dare.

如果是大冒險 你必須按對方要求做

2. Don't you dare let him catch you, don't you dare.

我不准你被他抓住 我不准

3. I will make it good how you dare and when you dare.

我要跟你决斗 时间地点你来决定

4. Don't you dare don't you dare use that to deal with your crisis.

你敢 你敢 用那个来处理你的危机

5. The strikers have frightened them so that they don't dare work and we don't dare let them out.

罢工者吓坏了他们 他们不敢工作 我们也不敢放他们出去

6. Listen, all I'm saying is that I didn't lose the dare if the crackers, which were the integral to the dare, were captured by international criminals.

听着 我想说的是这次大冒险 如果那些饼干被国际罪犯抢走了 那我应该不算输

7. A woman whose only crime was that she dared to speak her mind, dared to try to make this world a better place.

她唯一的罪过就是无畏地说出自己的想法 勇于探索让世界变得更美好

8. And I dare you... to climb it with me.

我给你一个挑战 跟我一起爬

9. It was my fault. I dared him to do it.

是我的错 是我激他横跨马路的

10. You wouldn't dare, because you'd have to do it to my face.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

