中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['tʃeɪsɪŋ] 美 ['tʃeɪsɪŋ]

[建] 周镂

v go after with the intent to catch
v pursue someone sexually or romantically
v cut a groove into
v cut a furrow into a columns


1. Either chasing a woman or chasing a story.


2. First he was chasing us, and now it's our turn to chase him.

开始是他在追赶我们 现在轮到我们追他了

3. Because they're here, and they're chasing after me.

因为他们在这 他们一直在追我

4. If you were, I wouldn't have to chase after you.

如果你是大人的话 我才不会追着不放

5. Life's too short to chase someone who's chasing someone else.

人生苦短 不能去追 还在追别人的人

6. I think you chased him and you chased him, and you got confused and now you're playing both sides.

我认为是你追捕他太久 迷失了自己 于是成了双面间谍

7. But life is gonna chase you, it's gonna chase after you with problems you can't even imagine.

但生活会追着你的 它会带着你无法想象的问题紧追在你身后

8. He'd chase you, and I believe, given the opportunity, he might chase me for a chance at ending this regime once and for all.

他是会追你 我也相信 有机会的话 他也有可能追我 一次性了结这里

9. You know, in the beginning, I chased him and then he chased me, and finally we found a way to run in lockstep.

一开始 我追他 然后他追我 最后我们终于找到了 同样的节奏

10. He's been chasing me. I've been running.

他一直在追着我 我跑了好久



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

