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音标: 英 ['æntɪ] 美 [ˈæntɪ]

n. 赌注
v. 下赌注

n. (poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot
v. place one's stake


1. It's the damn ants, isn't it? It wasn't the ants. It's the tape.

肯定是因为蚂蚁 不是蚂蚁 录像带出问题了

2. And all these ants around on the side, those are worker ants.

而周围边上的这些蚂蚁 就是工蚁

3. You're like that fungus that gets into an ant's brain, then makes the ant climb to the top of a tree and then blows up the ant's head so the fungal spores go all over the forest.

你就像那种侵入蚂蚁脑内的真菌 操纵蚂蚁爬上树顶 然后炸烂蚂蚁的脑袋 这样真菌孢子就能传遍整片森林

4. Now if I get an ant problem because you have an ant problem, you and I are gonna have a problem.

如果因为你家的蚂蚁问题让我家也遭殃的话 咱俩之间就有麻烦了

5. See, 'cause without the queen ant, all the other ants would just be running around like kooks.

因为没有蚁后 群蚁无首 乱了阵脚

6. I don't care about the workings of the colony, why one ant is mad at another or why one ant would kill another or not.

我不在乎蚁群的生存方式 为什么一只蚂蚁会生另一只的气 或者他们为什么会彼此残杀之类的

7. We found these massive ants attacking this slug and it's being completely overwhelmed by, I mean, hundreds of thousands of vicious safari ants.

我们发现了这些大个儿蚂蚁 在攻击一只蛞蝓 蛞蝓完全被蚂蚁淹没 有成百上千只凶狠的行军蚁

8. The caterpillars now start to mimic the sounds made by the queen ant, and, as a result, the ants treat them like royalty.

毛虫现在开始 模仿蚁后发出的声音 于是蚂蚁将它们奉为皇家贵族

9. There's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts.

有一种真菌可以感染蚂蚁 致使蚂蚁袭击植物 植物释放孢子 进而感染新的宿主

10. Safari ants and army ants, were they in the traveling mode, they will be running down a particular track and you can stand within 6 inches of them and they won't take an assault.

行军蚁和兵蚁 要是处于行进模式 它们就会沿着特定线路走 你可以待在离它们十几厘米的地方 它们也不会发动攻击



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

