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音标: 英 ['klɒbə(r)] 美 [ˈklɑbɚ]

n. 衣服, (鞋匠用来掩饰皮革缝的)软膏
vt. 痛打, 击倒, 拉垮

v. strike violently and repeatedly


1. I was gonna distract him, not clobber him.

我是要引开他 不是要打晕他

2. Don't sweat it, you'll clobber 'em at tennis.

别担心 你的网球肯定没问题

3. Waste it on flash clobber and sports cars.


4. But the site is gonna clobber an innocent person and there is no chance that it won't.

但这个网站会把一个无辜的人活剥了皮 这种事无可避免

5. See if this second guy really is wearing his clobber.


6. Make sure that they'd clobbered him and then spiral down to the sea and try and escape.

确保你重伤了他 然后你可以螺旋降到海平面上 努力逃走

7. Before records clobbers me need you to sign off these charts from last week.

在病历 我之前 我需要你先把上周的这些表格签完

8. Although his death failed to move me at the time, it clobbered my mother.

虽然当时他的死未能震撼我 但却击垮了我的母亲

9. I get a bit of dough, move up in the world and everyone's dissing my clothes and my clobber.

我努力挣钱 努力往上爬 别人却在嘲笑我的穿着打扮

10. The muscle wants the brains, and the brains wish they had what it takes to clobber the barroom drunk who gets out of line.

體力好的想要智商高點 智商高的希望自己有能力 能打趴下那些在酒吧毛手毛腳的醉漢



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

