中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈnjʊərəʊsaɪəns] 美 [ˌnʊroˈsaɪəns, ˌnjʊr-]

n. 神经系统科学( 指神经病学、 神经化学等)

n. the scientific study of the nervous system


1. We're transferring you over to our neuroscience wing.


2. You know, neuroscience is behind that, too.


3. You of all people should understand that this was the future of neuroscience.

你们都必须了解 这是神经学的未来

4. In matters of neuroscience, you have the final say.

跟神经科学有关的 你有最终决定权

5. I just I concentrated on teaching neuroscience to uppermiddleclass slackers.

专心向那些中产懒虫们 讲授神经系统科学

6. Well, his interest may have been in neuroscience, and he claims he was from the area.

他应该对神经科学很感兴趣 他自称是这一块的人

7. So, I guess neuroscience turned out to be a pretty good fallback plan.

于是神经学成了 一条不错的退路

8. My area of expertise is neuroscience but in particular how the brain learns, the human brain learns.

我的专业是神经系统科学 研究方向是人类的大脑是如何学习的

9. Twins have been invaluable in neuroscience because studying them gives us insight into how environmental behavior and genetics affect things like brain aging or addiction.

双胞胎在神经学上是非常重要的 因为研究他们能让我们了解到 环境行为和基因是如何 影响大脑衰老或成瘾

10. psychopharm and neuroscience to be fascinating, but a lot of my motivation would be go to grad school so I can get a good job and make good money so someday I can retire and have fun.

精神病理学和神经科学非常有趣 但我动力是 读研后就能找到一个好工作 赚很多钱 将来我可以享受退休生活



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

