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音标: 英 [kəˌmju:nɪ'teərɪən] 美 [kəˌmju:nɪ'terɪrn]

a. 公有社会的, 鼓吹公有社会的


1. The second way of tying justice to the good is not strictly speaking, communitarian, if by communitarian you mean, just giving over to a particular community the definition of justice.

第二种将公正与良善相联系的方式 严格来说 不算社群主义观点 如果你认为的社群主义 只是一种用于定义公正的 特殊社会形态

2. The communitarian doesn't deny that there is choice to be made.


3. According to the communitarian account, membership does matter.

社群主义者认为 成员身份提供里理由

4. If we do, the communitarian argues, it's because we do recognize obligations of solidarity.

如果钦佩 社群主义者说 这是因为我们都认同团体的责任

5. Now the communitarian would say there is something admirable in that.

社群论者会说 这一举动很值得钦佩

6. I want to hear from another critic of the communitarian view.


7. All right, let's hear from the critics of the communitarian idea first.

好的 我们先听听对 社群主义者的批评意见

8. Now there were a number of people who argued in defense of patrioti as the communitarian view conceives it.

有很多人 为爱国主义辩护 因为社群论观点认可它

9. So let me go down now and join the critics, the critics of communitariani , if there's a microphone that we could use somewhere.

那么我要走下去加入反对的人 即社群主义的批判者 要是有一支能用的话筒就好了

10. Now, I want to get your reactions to the communitarian critique of the individualist or the voluntarist, the unencumbered self.

现在我要听听你们对于 社群主义者对个人主义者 或唯意志论者毫无约束的自我的批评 有什么看法



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