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音标: 英 ['vɜ:veɪn] 美 ['vɜ:veɪn]

n. [植]马鞭草属的植物, 马鞭草

n any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers


1. Before you try anything, I'm on vervain.

你少轻举妄动 我体内有马鞭草

2. We do, but your blood is laced with vervain.

没错 但你的血里有马鞭草

3. You need the vervain in your system so you can't be compelled again.

你体内需要马鞭草 这样你就不会再被催眠了

4. First, I'm going to drain you of vervain.

首先 我会给你灌下马鞭草

5. Klaus' hybrids shot you up with vervain.


6. Well, either she's on vervain or there's some other reason, but she can't be compelled.

她要么是在服马鞭草 要么就是有其他的原因 但她无法被催眠

7. All I know is that the vervain is out and I'm at the mercy of this murderous bastard.

我只知道我体内没有马鞭草了 只能任凭这个杀人魔摆布

8. I would never walk again on this earth as a human without taking vervain.

我既然做回了人 就不能不服用马鞭草

9. No doubt you binged on vervain till your throat was red and raw.

所以你肯定吃了很多马鞭草 吃到喉咙都红肿胀痛

10. There's only one thing that can resist compulsion without needing vervain, and that's a witch.

在不服用马鞭草的情况下 只有女巫才能不被催眠



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

