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音标: 英 [vɪkˈtɔ:rɪən] 美 [vɪkˈtɔrɪən, -ˈtor-]

a. 英国维多利亚女王时代的, 笃信宗教的, 讲究体面的
n. 维多利亚女王时代的英国人

n. a person who lived during the reign of Victoria
a. of or relating to Queen Victoria of Great Britain or to the age in which she ruled
s. typical of the moral standards or conduct of the age of Queen Victoria


1. They were in a way the Victorians' greatest innovation.

从某种意义上看 它们是维多利亚时期最伟大的变革

2. Victorian artists had charted an extraordinary journey.

维多利亚时期的艺术家们 绘制了一组非凡的历史画卷

3. It became the focus of all the Victorians' deepest fears.

这里成为维多利亚时期 所有民众惶恐的焦点

4. Victorian london was a tale of two cities.

维多利亚时期的伦敦 上演着两个极端

5. Victorian lines, but fabric of a working town.

维多利亚时代的服装轮廓 配上工业小镇的布料

6. Victorian spiritualists, hippie kids in the desert.

维多利亚时代的招魂巫师 荒漠中的嬉皮士

7. But over time, the Victorians had confronted the great change that was upon them.

但随着历史演进 维多利亚时期的民众 实现了历史赋予他们的变革使命

8. The omnibus threw all classes together, an irresistible prospect for Victorian artists.

公共汽车让所有阶层的人坐到了一起 这对维多利亚时期艺术家而言 是极为诱人的创作选材

9. By the end of the century, the Victorians were making 300 million bus journeys every year.

至19世纪末 维多利亚时代的交通流量 已达每年3亿班次公车

10. Victorians believed that, but the plain fact is, then as now, most of us lead urban or suburban lives.

维多利亚时期人坚持这种观点 但事实是 现在 多数人过着城市与乡村结合的生活



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

