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音标: 英 [ˌmæθə'mætɪklɪ] 美 [ˌmæθə'mætɪklɪ]

adv. 算术地

r. with respect to mathematics


1. The idea that all of this is completely mathematical sounds pretty nutty at first since it doesn't seem mathematical at all, but actually, when we look closer, there is mathematics everywhere.

所有这一切都完全是数学的 这想法一开始听起来非常古怪 因为它看起来一点也不像是数学的 但其实 如果我们看得更仔细些 数学无处不在

2. I prefer finite mathematics much more to infinite mathematics.

我更愿相信有限数范围内的数学 而不是无穷数数学

3. And then, because, if something is true in mathematics, it's always true, there's a sense in which mathematics is timeless, is timefree.

之后 因为如果某件事 在数学中证明为真 那就永远为真 所以我们感觉数学是永恒的 是不为时间所左右的

4. Here we see some beautiful mathematical circles forming, and whose spreading over the water is perfectly described by a mathematical equation called the wave equation.

这里我们看到美丽的数学的圆正在形成 一种叫做波动方程的数学方程 完美地描述了它们在水面上的扩散过程

5. This tree here doesn't look very mathematical at first sight, but if we look really closely at this bark, it's made of cells, that are made of molecules, that are made of atoms, that are made of quarks and electrons, and as far as we can tell, neither the electrons nor the quarks, nor any of the other particles that make up all of this have any properties at all, except for mathematical properties.

第一眼看去 这棵树也不像是数学的 然而如果我们仔细看这块树皮 它是由细胞构成的 细胞由分子构成 分子由原子构成 原子由夸克和电子构成 据我们所知 无论是电子还是夸克 还是构成这些的其它任何粒子 除了具有数学上的性质之外 不具备别的任何性质

6. I'm a very big believer that maths can offer you a new way of looking at almost anything, because I think if you take the time to look, thank you very much, there are mathematical patterns hiding behind almost everything, even things that feel like they are very far away from being mathematical, even things that you think should be completely random.

我非常相信数学可以给你 一种看待几乎一切事物的新方法 因为我认为假如你花时间仔细看 非常感谢 几乎所有东西背后都隐藏着数学规律 甚至是那些你感觉跟数学 扯不上关系的东西 那些你觉得应该是完全随机的东西

7. a place in which you do mathematics.


8. I think they had her doing mathematics.


9. More of a misunderstood mathematics, I think.

更算是被误解的数学 我认为

10. Nobel doesn't have a prize for mathematics.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

