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音标: 英 [klʌkɪŋ]

v. (母鸡)咯咯声( cluck的现在分词 ); <俚>傻瓜, 笨蛋

n the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)
v make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens


1. Can't speak, trapped, clucking hens all around you.

不能说话 被困住了 你身边都是咯咯叫的母鸡

2. Once the hens start clucking, facts don't matter.

一旦谣言传开 真相是什么就不重要了

3. First thing, I wouldn't let that cluck buy your dinner.

首先 我可不会让那家伙请客

4. What I want from you is not to be clucked over like some convalescent with one foot in the grave.

我不想让你一直啰嗦 好像什么半身如土康复病人

5. and apparently I clucked like a chicken in front of 3,000 people.


6. Well, 48 hours ago, I didn't have any chickens, and now I can hear some clucking.

两天前我还没有任何手下 现在我能听到点声音了

7. You know, I look at this guy and I can't help but think about that saying, you hang around with chickens, you cluck.

我看着这个人 我就忍不住想到那句老话 近鸡者 只会叫[近墨者黑]

8. I left my house and came to a place where the golden words of my poems are taken as the clucking of hens, and my brushstrokes for their scratchings.

我离家出逃 来到了这里 而我诗歌里的美词佳句 到这却成了庸俗无味之物 而我的画作也被他们撕碎



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

