中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [spent] 美 [spɛnt]

a. 用尽的, 精疲力竭的

v pass time in a specific way
v pay out
v spend completely
a depleted of energy, force, or strength
s drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted


1. You spent...you spent six years building your program, and they just they they screwed it.

你花费...花费了六年来建立你的球队 完全被他们毁了

2. You said between 50 and 100, and I could have spent 50, but I actually spent 90.

你说了要50到100英镑之间 我本可以只花50的 但我还是花了90

3. I spent... I spent half an hour this morning, struggling to put my boots on.

我今天...今天早上花了半小时 才好不容易穿上靴子

4. She spent a year at a very prestigious college, and then spent a lot of time in and out of very expensive rehab facilities.

在一所名牌大学里读过一年书 后来在一家收费昂贵的戒断所里 待了很长一段时间

5. You spent 20 hours dragging your son across the country time that could have been spent pulling together the plan.

你花了20个小时带你儿子穿越美国 这时间本可以用来制定计划的

6. He spent years looking for it in the streets, finally found it in an auction, and spent $1 million buying it back.

他花了好多年到处寻找这条项链 最终在一个拍卖会找到了 花了一百万美元买了回来

7. We spent so much energy building our shelter, that everyone was just spent and exhausted and wasn't sure what was going to happen or where we were going to get our next meal.

我们耗了许多精力搭帐篷 所有人都精疲力尽 未来又无法预料 我们又吃了上顿没下顿

8. We spent most of your coin on it all.


9. You spent more time with him than I did.


10. And all the nights you spent with her.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

