中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 无条理地

r. in an incoherent manner


1. He's incoherent and confined to a wheelchair.

他已然语无伦次 只能坐轮椅了

2. If I had a kid snatched up, I would be incoherent.

如果我的孩子被绑架 我会失去理智的

3. Bowling shirt, cargo shorts, and he's babbling away incoherently.

保龄球衫 短裤 嘴里说的话狗屁不通

4. In my experience, it only leads to blue balls and long, incoherent speeches about wolves.

根据我的经验 那只会导致 胀疼 和关于狼的语无伦次的长篇大论

5. Bursting into tears and sobbing and becoming almost incoherent when he spoke about her, how much he loved her.

他总会抱头痛哭 变得语无伦次 每次谈及朱蒂 说他有多么爱她时都是这样

6. In ten seconds he'll look like any other drunk at the party, incoherent and completely pliable.

不出十秒 他就会跟派对上的其他醉汉一样 语无伦次 毫无还手之力

7. They said she came down with the flu a day ago, had a fever spiked, then became aggressive and incoherent.

他们说她一天前得了流感 发起高烧 然后变得具攻击性 意识混乱

8. These incoherent ramblings, distractions that show us nothing of the nature of the man, of of what he desires, of of how he behaves.

这些没有逻辑 不着边际的话不能让我们 了解这个人的本质 了解他想要什么 了解他是如何行动的

9. Considering the incoherent and, frankly, disturbing argument from the pronoise lobby, I have no choice but to recommend a switch to the day schedule, effective immediately.

就这种语无伦次的表现以及 来自反噪音游说团的诉求 我别无选择 只能提议进行常规日程 立刻生效

10. They are nothing more than the spiteful act of a damaged, emotional, angry woman, with a history of substance abuse, and a dangerously incoherent understanding of the difference between the real and the fake.

这一切不过是一个破碎愤怒的女人 意气之下做出的恶毒行为 她过去曾滥用药物 并且危险地缺乏 分辨真假的能力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

