中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pə'tenʃɪeɪt] 美 [pəˈtɛnʃɪˌet]

vt. 赋与力量, 加强
vi. 有加强作用

v. increase the effect of or act synergistically with (a drug or a physiological or biochemical phenomenon)


1. But, no, either you didn't see the potential, oror you didn't see my potential.

但 没有 要么你看不到这个潜在性 要么 要么你没看到我的潜力

2. Now imagine if you could help this man potentially avert a potential catastrophe.

现在想象一下 假如你能帮这个人 避免潜在的大灾难

3. Well, the monorail is more symbolic of our potential than it is potential, and none of our buildings will ever be shaped like this.

这个空中轻轨更多的是象征了我们的潜力 而并非建造上的可能性 我们的教学楼永远不会盖成这个样子

4. And if it works the way that he says it will, then it has the potential to change everything, it has the potential to be truly, truly transformative.

如果事情真的如他所说 那么自我监测将有潜力改变一切 它拥有真正导致变革的潜质

5. When you meet a potential employer, a potential landlord, or even a new friend, don't be afraid to reframe your narrative.

当你和潜在雇主 潜在房东 甚至是新的朋友见面时 别害怕修饰你的经历

6. We set out to find a bacteria that potentially could kill a lot of people, and what we found was a bacteria that potentially could save the world.

我们是去找 可能会害死很多人的细菌 结果我们找到了一种可能会拯救世界的 细菌

7. In a matter of minutes, you managed to disobey my orders, lose a priceless national treasure, and put yourself in a potentially potentially situation with no plan.

在几分钟之内 你们违抗了我的命令 失去了无价的国宝 没有计划 还把自己置于可能致命的境地

8. We are, but that's because graphene has such potential.

的确 但那是因为石墨烯很有潜力

9. We all have the potential to be heroes.


10. You wouldn't be here if I didn't believe you had potential.

如果你没潜力 我不会让你通过



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

