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音标: 英 [sə'ræmɪk] 美 [səˈræmɪk]

a. 陶瓷的
n. 陶瓷制品

n. an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures
a. of or relating to or made from a ceramic


1. But there are bowls, vases, other ceramics.

但是有碗 花瓶和其他陶瓷制品

2. In your purse, there's a ceramic weapon.

在你的包里 有个陶瓷武器

3. So don't worry, your ceramic catcamel is covered.

所以别担心 你的陶瓷猫骆驼在补偿范围内

4. It cannot pass through ceramic, but it can pass through walls.

它不能穿过瓷制品 但却可以穿墙

5. It's metal or ceramic, maybe some kind of toy.

是金属或陶瓷 可能是某个玩具

6. The traces of ceramic grit under his fingernails suggest he was a roofer.

指甲盖底下的瓷渣 表明他是位泥瓦匠

7. I remember doing ceramics and pottery, and it was a school thing, and it was good.

我记得后来开始学制陶 那是学校布置的任务 真的很棒

8. Maybe that's why I can't bring myself to get rid of these ceramic nightmares.

也许这就是我一直摆脱不了 这些陶瓷梦魇的原因

9. I'm running a chemical ysis, but I'd say this is some kind of ceramic.

我正在做化学分析 但是我敢说一定是一种陶瓷制品

10. I found it plugged with a ceramic stopper, which I lifted and voilà.

我发现它被一个陶瓷的塞子塞住了 我把塞子拔出然后你看看



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

