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音标: 英 ['pæʃənətlɪ] 美 [ˈpæʃənɪtlɪ]

adv. 热情地, 激昂地

r. with passion


1. But it lacks passion. I wanna see some passion here.

但是你没有 我想看到更多

2. If it's what you're passionate about... It is.

如果你一心想做这个... 我想

3. I mean, you don't necessarily need to be passionate to have a passionate connection.

你不必 热切需要热诚的关系

4. People will wanna go to it, because you're passionate about it, and people love what other people are passionate about.

大家会想去的 因为你对它充满热情 大家都喜欢别人所热爱的东西

5. And I was passionate about technique and passionate about sautéing, and I became, like, this machine of cooking, and I was outperforming myself.

我对烹饪技巧 以及嫩煎技巧非常感兴趣 我仿佛成了 烹饪机器 我超越了自己

6. True, true, you know, passion sells books, but, you know, passion does fade.

是的 是的 热情能卖书 但是热情会消退

7. I would have a more, a more passionate existence.

我希望能成为更有 的人

8. It's very personal and I'm very passionate about this.

算是我个人的情结 我非常期待这场对决

9. Yeah, but it was all out of passion.

是 但这都是因为太性奋了

10. I have been so passionate about for all of these years.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

