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音标: 英 ['vænɡɑ:d] 美 [ˈvænɡɑrd]

n. 前锋, 先锋, 先驱

n. the leading units moving at the head of an army
n. the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field


1. The vanguard, but there will be others.

我们是前锋 一定还有别的同伴存在

2. I've noticed the berths for the vanguard are less than ideal.


3. We were funded to keep our military at the vanguard of technology.

我們獲得資助 保持軍隊的技術領先

4. If our vanguard falls, you're the last line of defense.

如果我们的先锋溃败 你就是最后一道防线了

5. It's a beautiful day to be alive and on the vanguard of change.

人生在世 引领变革 真是美好的一天

6. Then now that that's sorted, there is another replacement on the vanguard that we should discuss.

既然这个解决了 那我们得讨论一下 还有一个人 需要从先锋小队撤下来

7. Once we've stopped him, you and I will take the vanguard aboard on longboats.

一旦我们拦截住他 你跟我就乘大艇冲锋登船

8. Lost his nerve. I want him replaced on the vanguard before we go over the side again.

他吓破了胆 我们下次突袭前 你把他从先锋里换下来

9. Surveillance vehicles disguised as all objects are the vanguard of drone technology.

伪装成小生物的监控设备 是无人机技术的先锋产品



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

