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音标: 英 [pæn'setə]

n. (意大利)非燻制的咸猪肉


1. David's pancetta is his pride and joy.


2. In a large pan, we fry up our pancetta.

在这个大盘子里 我们来炸意大利烟肉

3. That is ovenfried ravioli with crispy sage and pancetta.

炉烤意大利饺 加脆鼠尾草和意式培根

4. You can see the fennel, the pancetta, the onion.

你看得见茴香 意式烟肉 洋葱

5. She puts leeks in it and and little bits of pancetta.

她放了青葱在里面 还有一点点培根

6. I can't wait to add this rich flavour to my rabbit and pancetta pie.

真等不及 将这种美味加入我的兔肉意式烟肉派了

7. When you think of pancetta, you don't normally think of sourcing it right here on our shores.

说起意式烟肉 你肯定不认为它起源于我国的海岸

8. So I'm taking a leaf out of their book with my rabbit and pancetta pot pies.

我要向他们学习 做一道兔肉意式烟肉派

9. Ok. I prefer my pasta al dente, and the pancetta was a little weird.

我喜欢硬一点的意面 而且意大利烟肉味道有点怪

10. It's so lean, which makes the pancetta a perfect pairing as the fat works to impart more flavour.

兔肉很瘦 和意式烟肉搭配在一起 烟肉里的脂肪能给兔肉加入更多风味



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