中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ska:d] 美 ['ska:d]

a. 伤痕累累, 有疤痕的;瘢痕性的

s. deeply affected or marked by mental or physical pain or injury


1. Each scar... tells a story, and every story... leaves a scar.

每道伤疤都有故事 每个故事留下伤疤

2. My fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child as my father scarred me are manifesting as nightmares.

我害怕当一个父亲 害怕自己会像我父亲那样 给我的孩子留下不可磨灭的阴影 这让我夜不能寐

3. I have one large scar across my abdomen and one scar all the way down my right side.

我的腹部有一道大伤疤 还有一道一直延伸到右侧

4. Shut your heart down, scar by scar, and made you afraid to trust or love anyone, even him.

一条条伤痕让你逐渐关闭心房 让你害怕去信任或爱别人 连他自己都不行

5. ...the abdominoplasty and mastopexy will leave significant, permanent scarring, and based on your family history, you're at risk for cheloidal scars as well.

腹壁去脂术和 固定术 会在身体上造成明显而永久的伤疤 基于你的家族病史 你还有留下瘢痕伤疤的风险

6. And so we've really been very strident at trying to minimise scarring by hiding the incisions, by pushing them off into the groins, that when you're standing in front of a mirror, you don't see a scar.

所以我们一直很坚持 通过隐藏切口来使伤疤最小化 把切口藏进腹股沟里 这样就算你站在 镜子前面 也看不到任何疤痕

7. I realized that the scars on your hands, scars I initially attributed to your work as a line cook, were in fact a perfect match for the an's symmetrical bite pattern.

我想起了你手上的伤疤 之前我以为那是你当帮厨留下的 我想到那其实 跟太攀蛇的对称咬痕非常吻合

8. and once you rip it off, all we are to each other is scars.

一旦撕下去 留给彼此的就只有伤疤

9. You have the same eyes, the same scar.

你们长着相同的眼睛 有相同的伤疤

10. But you know what? It's not the scar.

但是你知道吗 其实可怕的不是伤疤



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

