中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [imˈbrɔil]

a. 卷入的; 纠缠不清的

s. deeply involved especially in something complicated


1. But then, she became embroiled with another man.

但接着 她 同另一个男人纠缠不清

2. Telling him will only embroil you further and benefit no one.

告诉他只会让你陷得更深 却无益于任何人

3. Take care you do not become embroiled in one.


4. I'm too old and too busy to get all embroiled in drama and hysterics.

我年纪太大 也太忙 已经无法再牵扯进各种情感闹剧里

5. All I know was within the next few weeks I was embroiled in a sex scandal.

我只知道 几周后 我就被卷进了一桩性丑闻

6. Seems those two men thrown to their death on the 110 freeway were both embroiled in a rape case before their murders.

在110高速公路上被扔下车致死的两名男性 被谋杀之前似乎都卷入了一起 案

7. Well, all 3 of our dearly departed rich guys were embroiled in bitter court battles over how much to pay in alimony and child support, and even when the court ruled in the wife's favor, which was almost always, these 3 charmers just, you know, decided not to pay.

这三位去世的有钱人 都曾深陷激烈的官司里 有关生活费和子女抚养费的支付额 即使法庭几乎都是 裁定妻子胜诉 但这三位迷人先生 都决定不付钱



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

