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音标: 英 [ɪn'fri:kwənsɪ] 美 [ɪn'fri:kwənsɪ]

n. 稀罕

n noteworthy scarcity


1. Well, I do love to be with you, however infrequent.

我确实喜欢和你在一起 可是机会不多

2. The only time he would take a day off is if he was recovering from a hangover and then that was not infrequent.

他只有在宿醉后 才会休息一天 这种情况并不罕见

3. Wow, it's amazing how infrequently I actually get to say that.


4. Regrettably, that is found far too infrequently in children your age.

可惜的是 你童年时受到的此类训练太少

5. The key to my continued happiness is to have loving sex infrequently.

我能长久获得幸福的关键就是 不频繁但充满爱意的

6. I've thought, on occasion, my character might've been improved by the infrequent tussle.

有时我不禁会想 或许偶尔来一场殴斗 会对我的性格有所帮助

7. But I want you to know, with your family history, your infrequent doctor visits, your reluctance to get mammograms, this diagnosis could very well have been legitimate.

但我得告诉你 像你这样的的家庭病史 你看病的低频率 还有你对 X光片检查的抗拒 这个结果没有错的可能性是很大的

8. According to eyewitnesses, the death we're investigating was preceded by a fortean event: a highly unusual or infrequent meteorological phenomenon, also known as a transient.

目击者都说 死亡是因为一起反常的现象造成的 一种极不寻常的或不经常发生的 气象现象 也叫短暂的现象



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