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1. When it does rain here, it rains hard.

这里一旦下雨 雨量巨大

2. We'd been through every kind of rain there is: little bitty stinging rain, and big old fat rain, rain that flew in sideways.

我们经历了各种各样的雨 小小的淅沥沥的雨 大大的哗啦啦的雨 伴着狂风的暴雨

3. It's not raining today. It hasn't Rained in months.

今天没下雨 好几个月没下过雨了

4. It's Rained all winter. It's only just stopped raining.

都下一整个冬天了 现在才刚刚放晴

5. Here, it barely rains, but when it does, it rains a lot it pours.

这里很少下雨 但只要下雨 就雨量很大 倾盆大雨

6. Create your own conditions and rain is just rain.

你要自己创造条件 雨就是雨

7. I'll be right as rain soon, right as rain, yes, I will.

我很快就会好起来 好起来 是的

8. I'll be right as rain soon, right as rain, yes I will.

我很快就会好起来 好起来 是的

9. Part of it I think is is there's a feeling you get before it rains and you know it's gonna rain.

我认为一部分原因是 你有一种感觉 就像下雨前 你知道要下雨了

10. The sound of gentle rain against windows or medium rain against rooftop with overspill from gutters.

细雨打到窗户上的声音 或者是中雨打在屋顶上 雨水从沟槽里流下



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