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音标: 英 ['ɡlaɪdə(r)] 美 [ˈɡlaɪdɚ]

n. 滑翔员, 滑翔机

n. aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces


1. Target his thruster, turn him into a glider.

打他的推进器 把他变成滑翔翼

2. She took a glider to try and save them.


3. It's crushing me! I don't think the glider can take it.

它在挤压我的船 我觉得滑翔器支撑不住了

4. The satellite is designed to launch a glider at hypersonic speeds.

卫星会在极超高音速下 发射滑翔导弹

5. I couldn't hack it in time, but the glider appears to communicating with a homing beacon.

我没能及时侵入系统 但滑翔导弹 似乎在与归航信标通讯

6. Note to accompany schematics for audio glider emergency binder.


7. The glider won't sustain contact with my decoy because the actual beacon still exists.

导弹无法和我的假信标保持联络 因为真的信标仍然存在

8. I believe who's developed a glider that can take a man in the air, sir.

他研制了一种滑翔机 能够载人上天 先生

9. If you don't find it within the next two minutes, that glider will pass failsafe.

要是两分钟之内找不到的话 滑翔导弹就会越过自动保险

10. Audio glider activated for sound, utilizing music as 96 decibel redirection, drawing active deceased along with it away from all exits, allowing immediate free passage for permanent redirection, if successful.

音频滑翔机已开启声音 使用95分贝音乐转移尸群注意力 吸引所有活跃行尸远离全部出口 立即创造出逃生通道 以便永久引走尸群 如果成功的话



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

