中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌru:mɪ'neɪʃn] 美 [ˌruməˈneʃən]

n. 反刍, 沉思, 默想
[医] 反刍, 反嚼, 沉思

n. (of ruminants) chewing (the cud)
n. regurgitation of small amounts of food; seen in some infants after feeding


1. While you're walking, I want you to ruminate.

走的时候 我要你们好好思索

2. Well, you didn't like my rumination on loneliness.


3. searching, ruminating, and there's something that I'd like to share with all of you.

还进行了探寻和反思 我想跟大家分享些事情

4. All these ruminations and hypotheses might be helpful to you, but... it can't be the end of the road.

这些反思和臆测也许对你有帮助 但这并不是一切的答案

5. He must be so desensitized to violence and nihilistic ruminations on the b ity of evil.

他肯定对暴力和对"平庸之恶"的 恐怖主义反思完全麻木不仁

6. So that I could sit here and sip my wine and ruminate on the tire business and all the business that goes with the business of the tire business.

这样我就可以坐在这里喝着酒 琢磨一下轮胎生意 还有那些 轮胎生意附带的业务问题

7. I've been ruminating on your powers of deception, and I realized that everything you say is hidden behind fake concern or a phony ile.

我最近一直在反复思考你的骗术 我发现你所说的一切 都掩盖在虚假的关心和伪装的笑容下

8. It is all too often overruled by our inner instinctive brain: the one that tells us to react, not reflect, to run rather than ruminate.

时常被我们大脑的本能反驳 我们只会反应 不会思考 只会逃避而不是反思

9. So beef and sheep, as well, ruminate, which means they burp out methane, which is a very highly intense greenhouse gas, so that doubles the carbon footprint.

牛和羊都会反刍 这意味着它们会打嗝排出甲烷 这是一种浓度非常高的温室气体 所以其碳排放量又翻了一倍

10. It takes a lot of resources to rear an animal, cows and sheep are especially high impact because they ruminate, which means they burp up methane.

饲养动物需要消耗大量资源 牛和羊尤为如此 因为他们会反刍 排出甲烷



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

