中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 里德(男子名)


1. I'll just read it, I'll read it, I'll read it.

我会看的 我会看的 我会看的

2. I... I didn't read it all. I... I couldn't read it all.

我还没看完呢 我无法静下来看完

3. So you can't have read it. I have read it.

所以你不可能看过 我看过

4. Got to read, got to read, got to read, got to read, got to read, got to read, got to read, got to read.

得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书 得读书

5. He would read the only book worth reading and read it to me.

他只读那本唯一值得读的书 然后念给我听

6. You've read about it. I've read the papers.

你读过报道了 我读了报纸

7. You should read this. I tried to read it.

你该读读这个 我努力去读了

8. Can you read that for me? I can't read it.

你能读给我听吗 我看不懂

9.'ve read our petition and we've read yours.

你看了我們的訴狀 我們也看了你的

10. He reads people the way that you read pathology reports or I read bones.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

