
发布时间:2024-04-06 11:39:29


1. 原句:"The sky was blue."

改写:"A canvas of blue stretched across the heavens."

2. 原句:"She walked quickly."

改写:"Her swift strides carried her through the crowd."

3. 原句:"The sun was shining."

改写:"A radiant sun splashed light across the landscape."

4. 原句:"The bird sang."

改写:"A melodic bird serenaded the morning air."

5. 原句:"The wind blew."

改写:"A gentle breeze whispered through the trees."

6. 原句:"The rain fell."

改写:"Raindrops danced a graceful ballet upon the earth."

7. 原句:"The house was quiet."

改写:"Silence reigned within the confines of the house."

8. 原句:"The book was old."

改写:"The tome, with its aged pages, held the secrets of the past."

9. 原句:"The road was long."

改写:"A seemingly endless ribbon of asphalt stretched into the horizon."

10. 原句:"The river was calm."

改写:"The river, a tranquil ribbon of water, wound its way through the valley."

11. 原句:"The moon was full."

改写:"A plump moon, a luminous coin in the night sky, shone brightly."

12. 原句:"The stars were twinkling."

改写:"The stars, scattered like diamonds across the velvet night, twinkled merrily."

13. 原句:"The flower was beautiful."

改写:"A blossom, a perfect blend of color and fragrance, was a thing of beauty."

14. 原句:"The silence was broken."

改写:"The silence, a fragile thread, was snapped by the sound of laughter."


名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

