
  • na.look the other way
  • 网络beat around the bush; Turning aside and changing the subject; diversion and aversion



beat around the bush

洋腔洋调学... ... the customer is always right 顾客至上 beat around the bush 顾左右而言他 one's heart goes out to sb 关爱 ...

Turning aside and changing the subject

西安翻译学... ... 顾左右而言他 Turning aside and changing the subject 坐山观虎斗 Sitting on a hill watching tigers fight ...

diversion and aversion

ANTI-FLAG中文歌词 这才是正义 ... and on the tv screen... 在电视屏幕上.. ...diversion and aversion ...顾左右而言他 ...

Irrelevant Rebuttal

他采取了顾左右而言他Irrelevant Rebuttal)的策略,抓住对学位名称的反对意见并作出重大让步:“它并不一定是个学士学位”…

show off

自圆其说/顾左右而言他show off)总是出现(shown up)在事实真相暴露(showndown)之时。应该是把中文反着翻译的。
