- n.joint staff; integrated staff
- 网络Joint Staff; Combined Chiefs of Staff; JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Staff
参谋长联合会议下的联合参谋部(Joint Staff)并非总参谋部。首先,它没有任何指挥权。
Combined Chiefs of Staff
...上会晤,一开始,两国的意见就有分歧,这和他们名为“联合参谋部”(Combined Chiefs of Staff)的名称极不相称。
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
谁能给我提供一些缩略词?(英语)_百度知道 ... JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff 联合参谋部 LSE London Stock Exchange 伦敦股票 …
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
...e Secretary of Defense) ·联合参谋部(The Joint Chiefs of Staff) ·国家警卫部(The National Guard) ·陆军(The Army) ·海军(The...