- 网络Annunciation Cathedral; The Annunciation Carhedral; Cathedral of the Annunciation

Annunciation Cathedral
圣母领报大教堂(Annunciation Cathedral)是在大公伊凡三世和俄罗斯正教的领袖菲力普主教的支持下,于1470年代初期开始重 …
The Annunciation Carhedral
7天半的铁... ... The Archangel Cathedral( 大天使教堂) The Annunciation Carhedral( 圣母领报大教堂) The Tsar Bell( 沙皇钟) ...
Cathedral of the Annunciation
左边:圣母领报大教堂(Cathedral of the Annunciation),沙皇的私人教堂。 北边:圣母升天大教堂(Cathedral of the Dormiti…
Cathedral of Annunciation
就职典礼后,俄罗斯正教会大主教祈伟义(Patriarch Kirill)在圣母领报大教堂(Cathedral of Annunciation)为蒲亭举行特别祷 …
The Annunciation Cathedral
圣母领报大教堂 (The Annunciation Cathedral) 伊凡大帝钟楼 (The Bell-Tower of Ivan the Great)
Basilica della Santissima Annunziata
圣母领报大教堂(Basilica della Santissima Annunziata)是意大利佛罗伦萨的一座罗马天主教教堂,圣母忠仆会的总会,位于同 …
Church of the Annunziata
...神品圣事,并於翌日在佛罗伦斯(Florence)的圣母领报大教堂(Church of the Annunziata)举行首祭。
Basilica della Santissima Annunziata Maggiore
圣母领报大教堂(Basilica della Santissima Annunziata Maggiore),始建于13世纪,除了宗教用途,还用于医院和孤儿穷人的救 …